Corporate Wellness Programs


Reasons to Participate in Corporate Wellness Programs


Most Companies Looking For An Edge In Their Industry BLOW IT Because They Forget To Take Care Of Their Most Valuable Assets: Their Employees!

Why Would You Look Outside Of Your Company For Money Making Opportunities When There Are Millions To Be Saved By Just Taking Care Of The Men And Women In Your Charge?

There are several avenues companies explore to increase revenues like cutting losses, expanding their customer base or improving profit margins. Much is devoted to this endeavor in terms of time, money and other resources. We suggest there is no better way to, not only save more money, but also demonstrate to your employees that you have their best interests in mind than to provide programs that will enhance their productivity and improve their long-term health.

Surveys reveal that salary is not the most important benefit employees receive from their employer. In fact, employers who place a premium on the fitness and health of their employees rank highest in employee satisfaction surveys.

As reported in an Ipsos-Reid Study March 18, 2004 the main preventable contributors to employee absenteeism are:

  • Depression/anxiety/other health disorders – 66%
  • Stress – 60%
  • Negative Relationship with supervisor or manager – 44%
  • Co-worker conflict in the workplace – 28%

For over a decade, research has been showing the effectiveness of Employee Wellness Programs. For every dollar spent on a Corporate Wellness Program, the returns have been cost savings of between $2.30 and $10.10 in the areas of decreased absenteeism, fewer sick days, reduced Worker’s Compensation claims, lowered health and insurance costs, and improvements to employee performance and productivity.

Furthermore, a healthy organization increases employee morale and improves the ability to attract and retain key people, all while having more alert and productive employees.

We have developed the premier wellness system which consists of nutritional education, smart meal preparation, metabolic evaluation, and fitness all conducted in a series of seminars which are tailored to your organization’s particular needs.

It’s the only one of its kind and is designed to pay your organization long-term dividends.

This plan affords you not one, but two avenues to save money in your company. Not to mention, your employees will view your company as one that cares for their well-being as well as their productivity.

A study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion in 1999 showed that the $1.9 million that Citibank spent on a health management program resulted in $7 million savings in reduced medical costs and absenteeism.

Two studies of the first long-term health and wellness program at Johnson & Johnson, covering the years 1990-99, showed $225 overall savings per employee per year since 1995. The articles were printed in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in January and May of 2002.

Our proposal is simple … And saves your organization money, immediately! Implement the Corporate Program in your company. You will realize long-term savings on your health insurance costs because your employees will be healthier.

We welcome the opportunity to show you, in detail, the simple aspects of the proposal before your next health fair.

The Wellness Institute of Dallas Corporate Programs


Program Benefits:

  1. Your individualized program is designed to correct the underlying cause(s) of your chronic symptoms or conditions.(This is quite different than the traditional medical model of treating symptoms)
  2. All 5 major components of your health will be addressed including:
    • Nervous System / Structure
    • Organs and Glands (Hormones)
    • Detoxification
    • Nutrition
    • Fitness
  3. Programs designed to improve:
    • Energy and Vitality
    • Digestion
    • Sleeping
    • Body Composition
    • Fitness & Strength
    • Anxiety / Depression
    • Chronic Pain
    • Hormonal Imbalance
    • Feelings of Well-Being
    • Blood and Saliva Chemistries i.e. cholesterol, blood sugar, liver enzymes, hormone imbalance
  4. Exclusive membership to our Wellness site for ongoing education to optimized living.
  5. VIP membership for all future care. After the completion of your Wellness program, you may choose to continue with intermittent maintenance. These services are performed at a discounted rate
  6. Discounted rates for any of our “Wellness Retreats / Boot camps”.
  7. Family Discount for all family members. (In addition to program discounts). 20% Additional discount, subtracted from discounted total investment, for a Second family member.
  8. Personal Referral Reward Program. Your personal referrals are greatly appreciated and rewarded.
  9. Unlimited access to all educational classes Free of charge!
  10. Our Lifestyle Program will effectively take you by the hand, educate you, mentor you, inspire you and motivate you to achieve your goals so that you too may enjoy the fulfilled life you were meant to!